A sudden throwback

I was on the phone this morning chatting with my parents. Telling them how I'm feeling a little disheartened. Since taking time off to have Percy, and coming back after my maternity leave, I haven't felt as into my work as before. The passion is still there, the eagerness to photograph is still there. But it felt as though the interest in my work had disappeared. They reminded me that actually, I probably need to be sharing my work more. Advertising more. Getting out there more. I used to do this. But I don't particularly want to share the whole of my life online anymore. I used to share everything - and in turn that had me working with the likes of Disneyland Paris, Visit Estonia, DFS, Boden, Joules and so many more amazing brands.

It did however, remind me of how much I used to love working blogging for brands and also blogging for myself. So I figured a great way to slowly ease my way back into sharing a little more of my life, would be to post some of my favourite holiday photos and talk a little bit about our recent trip to Portugal.

We stayed in Albufeira.

I've been here before. A few times when I was a little baby - probably only a little bit older than Percy is now. and then 10 years ago when my eldest was a baby. It holds quite a lot of sentimental memories, so it felt lovely going back. We went with my Nan and Grandad who have been coming to the same place for years. They've done a lot of traveling in their lifetime, but they always come back to Albufeira - they love the atmosphere, the people, the weather, the old town. It's all so beautiful.

Taking photos abroad

I can't say I enjoy lugging such a large and heavy camera around in the hot weather, BUT, I can say I LOVE the photos I get. I love capturing all the little streets, the moments of us sat outside coffee shops, in restaurants, chatting with locals. These are the types of photos that keep my spark for photography alight. I probably drive everyone mad snapping away, but at least they get lovely photos from it.

My sister had a work trip that ended up being the same time we went, so they met us over there and surprised my nan and grandad. We only shared a few days with them, and apart from the rainy day, it was super fun.

October time

We went early October, just before half term - waiting for that fine from school. oops - and although we did think it could possibly rain, we didn't really expect it to. We did end up having a few days heavy rain but managed to not let that ruin our time out there. We would wander to the supermarket and find snacks, then come back and relax at the apartment until the rain stopped.

Speaking off.. supermarkets abroad are just SO fun, right? Anyways. we had a lovely time, the weather was beautiful (apart from a few days of rain), the company was fab and over all I would recommend Albufeira as a first holiday for your little one. 6 months was a great age to travel with.

Here are some of my most favourite photos from this trip.